Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Painting Pagan Eggs

Before Easter I painted some eggs. Usually I do this with my Daddy but this year someone else helped.

My Nana painted eggs with me...her egg had a cross on it--so it was not so pagan as mine with faces on them.

We had a lot of fun together.

We laughed about a few things...

I giggled about many more things...

I never looked at the camera for my Mommy--I was having too much fun.


  1. pretty eggs. And what a fun person to paint with!

  2. I've never seen any chickens worshiping idols, so I am not sure how accurate the title of your post is. The Christian terms would be "resurection eggs" or "pascal eggs" Just a note from your uncle who is just now getting around to Holy Week.

  3. Thank you malh for your complement.

    Happy Holy week to you Ranger! (or should it be solemn?) As for "pagan eggs" -- although we do want to be accurate in our posts -- the term was a joke. Jonathan was invited by a friend to "hunt pagan eggs for the entertainment" of the residents of a local nursing home. When the friend used the term "pagan eggs"--I was quite amused. (Perhaps it is only Eric and I that would find this funny?) As you well know if it's funny it does not need to be accurate. Love you.
