Sunday, January 29, 2006

Me discussing with grandma how cute I am

Though I am #17 I am going for the #1 position of cutest

Me with the owner of the all you can eat buffet

Me communicating to the big beings

The only way I have been able to find to communicate with these primitive big beings.

Me and my great uncle Ted

Here I am doing one of my favorite activities while being held which is another of my favorite activities.

Me With Great Aunt Cass

Me With Grandpa Lobmeyer

One of the big beings I am apparently related to

B-Day +5 (Skipped a few days)

Well, it's been a busy couple of days. I've had to learn how to eat which wasn't something I had to worry about before. I like to eat. I also like to sleep. I think I like them equally the same so I generally combine the two. I don't think the person who feeds me really likes me to sleep while I'm eating. They're always tickling my feet (which I don't like) or doing some other annoying thing to try to keep me awake. But I have the eating thing nailed. It's kind of like an all you can eat buffet sort of thing except you only get to choose one thing to eat and if you eat too much sometimes there isn't anything left. Except for those two things it's just like an all you can eat buffet - and I don't have to share it which for me is a big plus because I'm really not into sharing.

I was moved from the nice warm place (he was taken home 1/27/06 - EO) where all the big beings kept poking me and prodding me and doing things to me that I didn't like. I'm now in a much more comfortable place where I can sleep undisturbed as long as I want. Well, at least until I'm rudely awakened to eat. It seems like I am always being picked up by some big being. It's annoying when you're asleep and they wake you up by picking you up. But it's not too bad. I mostly like being picked up and held. I especially like to cuddle with the big beings because they are so warm and sometimes they move around which is very relaxing.

It seems these beings have a very primitive means of communication or they really can't communicate at all. They certainly don't seem to be able to communicate with me very well. I figure that being the important person that I am and the center of the universe that if there was going to be any means by which to communicate I was going to have to be the one to step out on the limb and make it happen. I tried some basic things that I thought they could process. Cooings, gurgles, beeps, little random noises, etc, etc. Some of these got limited response. But the one that seems to work the best is a really good scream or fake cry. The louder the better. It just proves that these big beings are very primitive.

Unfortunately I have not been able to communicate the subtle nuances of what I will call "sounding my barbaric yawp." As it stands I can only get response from something loud and annoying. The louder, the faster the response. So this works for wanting food, wanting to be picked up, being unhappy, and wanting my pants changed. By the way, it's really annoying that I have to sound my yawp to have my pants changed and that I can't just do it myself. I guess that's just a part of living in this new world. That the big beings are constantly looking in my pants for treasures that I have left and that they will clean them if anything is there proves their low estate. I don't really know if it will ever be possible for me to communicate with me. But I am content with my station in life and with theirs - as long as they remember their place. The barbaric yawp seems to provide the reminder should they become lazy and forget.

I did loose a little weight initially. I think a lot of it had to do with combining eating with sleeping. It is just so hard to stay awake when I am eating. I guess I wasn't eating enough. Well, I'm trying to eat more now and I think I'm doing pretty good because I've started to pack on the pounds again. Well, until the next post take care.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Today (1/24) began as much more of the same from yesterday. Home uncomfortable and small. Convulsions stronger and more regular. I didn't know what to do or say about the situation. Could only hope that things would get better soon. Felt that the top of my head was being squeezed through a hole which was as big as - well as big as... the hole that it was being squeezed through. I did not sign up for this. I don't seem to have any recourse. I felt that this whole situation was being forced upon me without any consultation.

At about 3:00am something markedly different and simultaneously horrible began to happen. My whole living area was beginning to bear down on me in a most constricting way. All of this was cramming my body downwards towards my head to the point where I felt my head was becomming mishapen. It was very uncomfortable and I didn't think I could handle it. Fortunately this only lasted about 2hours.

Then, suddenly everything stopped. This made me very happy as I had been missing many of my naps. I tried to pull myself out of the hole I was being squeezed into but was unsuccessful. Then, in the most shocking way, my world was rocked. At 6:38am a sliver of light shone in on my darkened world and I was ubruptly abducted from my environs. That was not at all pleasant. Next thing I knew my food and oxygen supply was cut off and I was being handled by some alien beings who stuck their fingers in my nose and my mouth and then rubbed rough materials on my body. It had only been a few minutes and already I wished with all my might that I could go back to my cramped, less comfortable, head squishing home. I had the ominous feeling that this would never be possible - that my abduction was a point of no return.

After being handled by a host of beings of the most hideous species imaginable, I was placed in a sort of terrarium with bright light being shone all around me. But it was nice and warm. Also, something was placed in my mouth forcing some sort of stuff into my body that made me cough - which I had never done before. Liquid came out of my lungs and mouth which was not so pleasant. Forcing it out of my body, ironically, forced me inhale. I am now inhaling and exhaling regularly which is fine, but not as pleasant as when I was inhaling and exhaling fluid in my old home. Sometimes the stuff I inhale now has an icky smell and sometimes it isn't as warm as I would like it.

Shortly after one of the kind of the beings that abducted me came to see me and hovered over me for what seemed a very long time. He had something in his hand that emitted a bright flash which I didn't like. Then he seemed to think it was OK to pick me up and dote on me. I have to admit that it felt good to be held by him. He was very gentle and seemed to have some sort of attachment for me. I don't really know what else to say about him. I kind of wish he would go away but at the same time I like it when he holds me.

After a while of being doted on by the being that liked to hold me and make wierd sounds directed towards me I seemed to be transported to another place. In this place was another being that was much like the first. Except this being had stuff for me to eat. It seemed that I kind of knew how to get the food out of the second being but it was really hard which made me really unhappy. I found that I could make a really loud noise which the beings didn't seem to like but it made me feel really good. I got a little bit of food which was good but found that I was really really tired. So I took a nap.

That really was most of the rest of the day. Taking a nap, eating a little, sleeping some more. This routine was interupted quite a bit by being held by a varied assortment of beings. Of all the beings there are just two that really seem to dote over me most of the time. They are ok but I still don't know what to think about them. We'll have to wait and see...

B-Day -1

Today the rumblings of my house began rather early (1/23/06 @6:30am). I didn't know what it meant at first but was to discover in relatively short order what it was in store. Other than the early rumblings there was nothing to indicate that today would be of any particular significance. Being the sage that I am I would say that the substance life can be determined at its end from that at its beginning. Such is the mark of a life that is a cozy and predictable thing. With my vast realms of experience I believe that perhaps there are a few things in life that I won't know but for the whole I can count on comfort, ease, safety, and predictability based on things always being good when I start out.

Even though one might consider today as an exception, I would still hold to that axiom. Yes, it was odd to be jostled so early in the morning but is it not also odd to outgrow your own house? Perhaps anomolies are part of the warp and woof of the fabric of life as well. At any rate I quickly got back to the important business of taking my morning nap. Sleep was pleasant until around 9:30am when I felt something touching my head. I wasn't very keen on that and was quickly awoken into a heightend state of alertness. Usually when I am in these states I like to get some exercise so I move my legs back and forth and raise and lower my arms. This feels good even though there is very little space to move them. I find that when I do move I usually bump into soft shapeless things that seem to give a little under the pressure of my touch. Correspondingly I find that my little home seems to convulse proportionately to the intensity of my movement. I don't quite know what this means though I believe it too to be significant.

Shortly after the head touching incident my world was wracked with some sort of a convulsion. There then was significant rythmic movement in the world that I call mine. The rythmic movement continued for a couple of hours and there is not much else to say about it. I, being very flexible and adaptable to new things, found it a great time to take my mid morning nap - which I did with great alacrity.

I was later awoken with another convulsion. Stronger than the one before, but not uncomfortable. I used the opportunity to jiggle my arms and legs achieving the same results as all other times I had done so. About 5 minutes later another convulsion came. This time a little stronger than before and, though not unpleasant it was also not something that one would want to experience much of. Again, another convulsion about 4 minutes later of about the same intensity as the one previouse. This indeed was a new experience. Corresponding to these convulsions I began noticing that my little house seemed to be getting even smaller. In the process of getting smaller my body was being pushed in the direction of my head. I didn't like this at all and decided enough was enough so I pushed back.

Pushing back was to no discernable advantage of mine and the convulsions continued at fairly regular intervals. I noticed a big change around 12:00 in that where my head was located there now appeared to be an opening - though quite a bit smaller than the size of my head. This, in my mind initially, seemed a good sign as I was finding with each subsequent convulsion I was becoming more cramped in the space I had available. I hole implied a means of escape perhaps to a better place. Not that there was anything wrong with my place - just that an opening implied a different space of perhaps greater capacity.

At about 1:30 a great shock to my world occured. It was altogether bad in my estimation. Whereas I was quite accustomed to dwelling in quite a comfortable, cushioned, temperature controlled environment, I suddenly became deprived of this blessed environment. It would seem that that which gave me such comfort began to exit through the little hole. It was a good thing that I was a good deal larger than the hole otherwise I might have been swept away by the whelming flood. My world began not only to be more cramped but a colder, harder place as well.

The convulsions continued for many hours getting almost imperceptably closer together and stronger in intensity. All the while the little hole was expanding at a rate that would at times be quite rapid alternating with imperceptable growth. The top of my head was all the time being forced more and more into the expanding whole. Again, were it not for the fact that the hole was smaller than my head I would have been pushed clean through it. Whether that would have been for the good or not I do not know.

This is how my day ended. I don't know what it all means. Seems to be some sort of change. Could be good, could be bad - maybe I'll find out tomorrow.

B-Day -2

Today (1/22/06) was a relatively uneventful day though I have a feeling things will change soon. Seems my home is getting smaller and there is much less room for me to move around. Overall I would say that I am quite comfortable and happy. I am never hungry and my home is always warm and comfortable though not very well lit. The world seems so small but I like it that way. Nothing to worry about - no bills to pay, no shopping to do, no meetings to attend, nobody that doesn't like me, no nuclear arsenals to manage, etc. I have a very good life and really think that I have found my place in the world.

It is odd that occasionally the walls of my little house press in on me at fine points to impress against my body. That is one thing about living here that I am not particularly fond of. These occasions are usually accompanied by muffled cooings and sounds that I am unfamiliar with. Were I more wise and experienced I might understand what their significance was. But, as it is, I find them merely a nusciance. It is often that these unwelcomed events cooincide with my getting a little sleep or when I am trying to stretch out to get comfortable.

As I mentioned earlier I have this nagging feeling that things are going to change soon. I don't imagine that I can keep living in these conditions indefinately. If my house gets any smaller there won't be any room left for me. I have moved around and determined that there really doesn't seem to be a way out of this place. I am okay with that except that my space is getting smaller. I am going to keep trying to see if there is anyway to expand my space or find a way out to perhaps another, bigger home. For now I will have to content myself with positioning myself in the most comfortable position that I can. That happens to be with my head faced downwards in a very tight place and my feet extended above my head. It's really not as uncomfortable now as it might seem. Well, got to go and catch another nap...