Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Today (1/24) began as much more of the same from yesterday. Home uncomfortable and small. Convulsions stronger and more regular. I didn't know what to do or say about the situation. Could only hope that things would get better soon. Felt that the top of my head was being squeezed through a hole which was as big as - well as big as... the hole that it was being squeezed through. I did not sign up for this. I don't seem to have any recourse. I felt that this whole situation was being forced upon me without any consultation.

At about 3:00am something markedly different and simultaneously horrible began to happen. My whole living area was beginning to bear down on me in a most constricting way. All of this was cramming my body downwards towards my head to the point where I felt my head was becomming mishapen. It was very uncomfortable and I didn't think I could handle it. Fortunately this only lasted about 2hours.

Then, suddenly everything stopped. This made me very happy as I had been missing many of my naps. I tried to pull myself out of the hole I was being squeezed into but was unsuccessful. Then, in the most shocking way, my world was rocked. At 6:38am a sliver of light shone in on my darkened world and I was ubruptly abducted from my environs. That was not at all pleasant. Next thing I knew my food and oxygen supply was cut off and I was being handled by some alien beings who stuck their fingers in my nose and my mouth and then rubbed rough materials on my body. It had only been a few minutes and already I wished with all my might that I could go back to my cramped, less comfortable, head squishing home. I had the ominous feeling that this would never be possible - that my abduction was a point of no return.

After being handled by a host of beings of the most hideous species imaginable, I was placed in a sort of terrarium with bright light being shone all around me. But it was nice and warm. Also, something was placed in my mouth forcing some sort of stuff into my body that made me cough - which I had never done before. Liquid came out of my lungs and mouth which was not so pleasant. Forcing it out of my body, ironically, forced me inhale. I am now inhaling and exhaling regularly which is fine, but not as pleasant as when I was inhaling and exhaling fluid in my old home. Sometimes the stuff I inhale now has an icky smell and sometimes it isn't as warm as I would like it.

Shortly after one of the kind of the beings that abducted me came to see me and hovered over me for what seemed a very long time. He had something in his hand that emitted a bright flash which I didn't like. Then he seemed to think it was OK to pick me up and dote on me. I have to admit that it felt good to be held by him. He was very gentle and seemed to have some sort of attachment for me. I don't really know what else to say about him. I kind of wish he would go away but at the same time I like it when he holds me.

After a while of being doted on by the being that liked to hold me and make wierd sounds directed towards me I seemed to be transported to another place. In this place was another being that was much like the first. Except this being had stuff for me to eat. It seemed that I kind of knew how to get the food out of the second being but it was really hard which made me really unhappy. I found that I could make a really loud noise which the beings didn't seem to like but it made me feel really good. I got a little bit of food which was good but found that I was really really tired. So I took a nap.

That really was most of the rest of the day. Taking a nap, eating a little, sleeping some more. This routine was interupted quite a bit by being held by a varied assortment of beings. Of all the beings there are just two that really seem to dote over me most of the time. They are ok but I still don't know what to think about them. We'll have to wait and see...

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