Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Chihuly in Bloom (4/13)

 On a beautiful Spring day we 
took E. on an outing so she could nap.

We saw some beautiful works of art.
We tried dressing as colorfully as the art
but the art won.

We went for a walk on some bridges that
cross the "unguarded flowing liquid death trap".

We stopped to contemplate liquid and death and traps.

 It's always better to run when liquid death traps are beneath you.

We found some lovely trees to pose beneath.
Isn't Spring wonderful?
 "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!"
Phil. 4:4


  1. I love Chihuly! If it's a permanent exhibit, add it to our list!

    1. The red chandelier seems to be permanent but I do not know about the rest of it. :)
