Monday, March 04, 2013

Riverside Recognition

 Thanksgiving this year involved a new kitchen.
Here E. is doing some preparatory dish washing.

We did get a shot of Daddy in the traditional turkey hat but overall,
the pictures of the feast were particularly lacking.
I am thankful for this one--although an important guest was not even in the picture.

 Really I am thankful--
just look at that smile.

 We went on a hike with thankfulness.

 E. was thankful enough to get out of her cart.

 I thankfully pose with the river and pine.

I was quite thankful there were some cliff areas to stare down at the
"unguarded flowing liquid death trap."
 We were thankful for the cool rocks to climb.

 Thankfulness from a different angle.

 We found this awesome bridge of which we were thankful.

Another shot of the same bridge and still thankful.

Thankful to be on the bridge and looking at the
"unguarded flowing liquid death trap."

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving hiking looks really nice. I would be thankful for that too.
