Thursday, February 02, 2006

B-Day +9

Not a whole lot to report. I have found that I really like to eat. I can eat for hours and hours. The all-you-can-eat buffet isn't always stocked for all that eating but I have found that if you wait long enough that the food gets restocked. So, while I am waiting for the owner to restock the buffet I like to do one of my favorite activities - sleep. Sleep is neato. I can sleep anywhere, anytime. I am a sleeping factory. When I am in someones arms, it's like a sleeping party. How much more fun can one have? In all my vast experiences I would say "not much."

Communication with the big beings has not progressed much. Some of the big beings have started to become not quite so responsive as they once were. I fear that I may be loosing touch with their primitive communication abilities. I must find another way or make my means of communication more compelling and irresistable. I fear that much lies in the balance touching upon communication. Instead of calling the big beings "big beings" I have decided to give them a name more in keeping with what I call them in their presence. I've taken to calling them "Whaaa." It is quite amazing how inept and primitive the Whaaa are in their ability to communicate as proven by their not always knowing when they are being called. I will continue to work on this and I am confident that in time I will build a bridge to their understanding.

In other news, I have almost gained a limited ability to control my head movement. Mostly it just flops around but I can move it to look at things that are interesting. Mostly there isn't really anything interesting to look at except the buffet. Also, lots of things seem to be quite blurry. When I get closer to them they come more sharply into view.

The picture posted is me with whom seems to be one of the main Whaaa's - next to importance of the owner of the all-you-can-eat buffet. I am doing one of my favorite activities and it appears that the Whaaa likes that activity as well. He is nice and warm so I let him hold me sometimes -unless, of course, I want to eat. He doesn't seem to be able to help very much in that area so I don't even bother with him when I am hungary. That's when a call the Whaaa with the all-you-can-eat bufffet.

1 comment:

  1. I have been attempting communication in their own language and the only words they consistently understand are "Mommy", "Daddy", and "Linda."
    Sometimes I think that they purposely ignore me (I have even found bite-sized nuggets near their bed that taste suspiciously of ear wax!) We really need to get together sometime to discuss their various quirks.

    Your favorite cousin,
