Sunday, July 12, 2009


One day in June I got to go on a boat ride with Oren and his Grandparents.

I was holding onto my hat when the boat was moving to keep it on my head.

We stopped for a bite to eat near a shallow part of the lake.

Oren and I spent some time pretending to be in the Coast Guard.
Oren did better without the smiling.

There were telescopes and boat parts to adjust.

There were boat issues to discuss.

I then we tried to get the boat started but we were unsuccessful.

Oren's Granddad Phil let me drive the boat on the way home...
he kept saying things like "left" and "right"--then he would try
to pry my hands away from the steering wheel.

Once we got back to shore it was time to throw some rocks into the water.

We made some pretty impressive splashes.

Oren and I got some pretty good rocks into the water...although we never got into the water--even with the sun it was cold.

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