Thursday, May 25, 2006

Incentive to Move to Oregon

I uncovered this news article that, though it is a couple of years old, should still apply. It allows for a $200 per person to move from Kansas to an urban area on the Left Coast. I think that in addition to moving to the Left Coast I could guarantee that you would get to see a lot more of me - which should be incentive enough.


  1. Wow that is very interesting! My parents bought a house here in Bakersfield last year so they could be closer to the grandchildren. I wonder if Bakersfield is yet considered a suburb of L.A.? Actually this town is very Christian and very conservative--even more so than Wichita.

  2. JEO, your reading abilities astound me. I appreciate the invite, that $200 should make up for the additional $200,000 i would have to pay for a house near you.

  3. I wonder if you are aware JEO, that there are several small Kansas towns giving out free land to anyone who wants to move to said small towns. I'm sure they would love to have you and your parents.

  4. Your parents have 17 different (might I say lovely) towns to choose from! learn more at!

  5. I can't believe none of you are taking this seriously!
