Thursday, September 18, 2014

Christmasing (12/13)

When Christmas day arrived there were lovely packages under the tree.

We got up early and broke with the no presents until after breakfast rule and just
started opening...

The first gift I got was a camera...
which someday means I will just be taking pictures myself
and posting them in a timely manner.

E. had what I will call--a Polly Pocket Christmas...
where all of her Polly Pocket wishes came true.

We even let Daddy open up a few gifts.

Our friends arrived a little after the presents
for a Christmas brunch.

It was nice to get to share our Christmasing with those
new to the whole Christmasing world.

We then played with our presents while our parents did whatever it is
they do when kids are playing.

We got some pictures of us all together--proof Mommy really
was there with us.

I still know how to ruin an otherwise good photo...
But did you notice that beautiful scarf Mommy is sporting?

E. was sick--so Daddy and I left Mommy and E. at home while we
went to my Grandparents for more Christmasing fun.
(While I was gone there were some failed ussie attempts by Mommy.)

 E. still had one more Christmassing moment.

That finished our Christmassing activities...

One final note--although not very Christmassy 
and certainly not included in everyone's Christmassing....
In E.'s Polly Pocket dystopian world the cats survive and take over everything...
I am sure all the cat lovers are ecstatic.

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