Friday, March 06, 2009


In Wichita--we went to Aunt Mary Ann's cousin's were red heads--not really like me because their hair is really red.
(Unfortunately my Mommy did not take many pictures...yes above is a link to Aunt Margaret's blog again.)

In the backyard is a trampoline--my Daddy and I got to play on it.

The hotel we stayed at had bronze sculptures everywhere...
with no no climbing signs.
(Aunt Margaret got a picture of this too.)

My Aunt's, Mommy, Anna and I tried to pose on the Mommy and I could not find the right camera.
Pictured from the left to right: me, Mommy, Aunt Linda, Aunt Margaret, Anna, Aunt Mary Ann.

1 comment:

  1. ok. i don't look that bad. every once in a while i feel like you are going to come over to my house.
