Saturday, November 01, 2008

Harvest Festival

A few weeks ago we went to a Harvest Festival--a place for city kids--like myself, who do not have to actually harvest anything

we walked through corn called a maze where we got lost

Here is another angle of my lostness

My Daddy and Great Aunt Cass were lost with me most of the time

At some point Daddy pointed the way out

Here I am with my Grandpa Ed, Grandma Sybil and cousins--Dillon and Riley
none of us really wanted to pose
(I should tell all those with legal backgrounds who are wondering who these "cousins" are--that legally Dillon and Riley are not cousins at all.)

Here is another picture where we failed to pose but there is my winning smile


  1. A corn maze with mountains in the background. Different!

  2. If I ran the circus I would call it a Maize Maze.

  3. Very pretty,but come to KS and OK for real harvest!!!
