Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Daddy's Bane

This is a very late post as it refers to something that was completed in January. But my daddy seemed to be very pleased to have it completed as was I for it gave him much more time to spend with me. It is because of his great pleasure that I present this post now.

Since the beginning of the Providers' project to make their home a better place for me to live they had planned on doing a lot of the bathroom work themselves. Actually Daddy was to perform those tasks. To do this, he enlisted unsuspecting, kind relatives to help in his endeavors. At one point his Daddy and step-brother came from lands far away sometime in early 2006 to help put ceramic tile on the floor. In 2 days they had it pretty much kicked. Gravity makes floors easy.

But it was the shower that created the most angst. There's all sorts of complicated slopes, unfriendly gravity, and moisture to consider. Not to mention getting the shower door hung just right. At any rate, Daddy said he would pretty much do anything but tile the shower. So there it sat for months on end. Sometimes Daddy would spend the whole day working on a small thing like cutting one piece of tile. Sadly, it would actually take him the whole day to do this. He was actually known to make dental appointments so he wouldn't have to be forced with the necessity of the decision to complete the shower. This dragged on for what seemed an interminable amount of time. Friends and family would ask him how the shower was coming and he would get a very dark look on his face, mumble a few monoslavic phrases, and stomp off with a tear in his eye. His daddy would occasionally come to visit and offer his help. But, as it was Daddy's Bane, Daddy knew he couldn't share his dysfunctional home improvement project with anyone if he was to remain on good terms with them.

This continued until January of this year. Finally Daddy's daddy informed him that he was coming to help Daddy finish the shower. Daddy realized that alone it would never get done and that without getting the shower done the plumbing could not be inspected. Without the plumbing being inspected he could not get a final inspection on the house. So, with fantastically grim determination, he accepted his Daddy's offer and they completed the shower in a couple of days.

I think it actually came out pretty nice. See what you think. I can't wait until I am old enough to use it. For now I'll continue to use my tiny tots tubby.