Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New skills for the new millennia

I have been quite busy eating of late. Trying to bulk up for my adventures in rolling over. Rolling over is great fun. It's like a tummy and back fiesta. The Satisfiers seem to thing its fun to put my on my tummy. Sure, being on your tummy is fun for a while but you have to do push ups (which I am very good at) to see anything. That neato thing that spins up in the sky is impossible to see. So when the Satisfiers aren't looking, I roll over onto my back. It's really quite the rush. The Satisfiers seem to be so impressed when they come back and see me on my back and make a big deal about. I don't get what the big "whoop" is but, hey, if it makes them happy then usually I get something out of it which makes me happy.

I just recently discovered this neato thing in my mouth. It's soft and round and I can stick it out of my mouth - which, next to eating and rolling over, is a big thrill. Satisfier 2 likes to stick his mouth thing out too and make really goofy faces and noises which, though very immature and childlike, can, at times, be quite humorous. I can't help but smile or laugh which seems to make Satisfier 2 giddy to the point of being ridiculous. At any rate, the Satisfiers seem to really like my mouth thingy sticking out of my mouth so, for them, I stick it out whenever I'm in the mood - especially when there are other unfamiliar big beings around as they seem to have a similar response to the Satisfiers though they don't make the same ridiculous faces or noises.

So, here are the top 10 skills I have been working on since my last post:
  1. Push ups
  2. Rolling over
  3. Smiling
  4. Sticking my mouth thingy out of my mouth
  5. Eating
  6. Screaming as loud as I can to get attention
  7. Spitting up cream from the all-you-can-eat buffet when I have eaten more than I can handle
  8. Making deliveries in my pants - lots of deliveries, some smelly
  9. Making goo, and aaaeei noises
  10. Sleeping as much as I can when it's dark

Hope you enjoy the pictures of me. Until my next post, aaeeiibu!

1 comment:

  1. love love love from your best aunt...can you say Nardin yet?
