Friday, December 29, 2006

Where's Linda's Mark?

I know I've only been around for less than a year, so, being the new kid in town I don't want to step on anyone's toes (though one would hardly notice if I did - if I do say so) but I have to ask, "where's Mark?" Sure, there's lots of grand pictures of everyone else in the Lobmeyer clan and friends and family that they hang out with - but no Mark. It would seem to me that Mark, at this point of "relationship," is an important person. But is there a posted picture on a blog somewhere that we can see him? I submit to you - No! If there is, nobody has pointed him out so we may salute him. I don't think he really exists. At least there is no empirical evidence that I can use to support his existence. He has a strictly theoretical existence on the Left Coast. That lots of people have seen said "Mark," doesn't hold up with me. That someone else has "seen" or "talked to" or had a "latte with" doesn't qualify as an empirical or scientific proof - and I don't care; I need to see. I, therefore, don't believe he is real. He is a mirage, or an apparition, or perhaps a musician.

We are in a digital, information age for heaven's sake! Somebody, for the love of God, take a picture of Linda and Mark together - that is if he really exists. Then use your multivarious talents and resources to post his picture on all that is called the blessed internet. We're not living in Darfur, people - we have dial-up and DSL so let's get to it!

I need to take a nap. If you need me I'll be drooling on my chew toys.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Linda's Visit October 2006

Linda under a very large tree
in Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, near Crescent City, California

Linda and I on the Oregon Coast

Linda's photo op near pilot rock

Linda and I at the YFC fundraiser

More pictures from September 2006

Me in action at home

Grandpa Obendrauf, Great Aunt Cass, Great Grandma Obendrauf (Nana),
Dada and me at Tou Velle State Park on the Rogue River